| - I am not someone that ever exercised regularly... two weeks was about as long as my attention span was for 'regularly working out.' But, since joining the Princeton Club - I'm a full month in! Can't believe it. Princeton Club Xpress is where I spend most of my days, chillin' out, maxin' out, relaxin' all cool. Yeah, I really couldn't help but drop that Fresh Prince reference in there - sorry, I digress.
The convenience factor has been more than enough for me to make this a part of my regular routine. I have never had a challenge accessing a machine and I mostly go after work. Granted, I get there a little after 6pm most days. If I'm using a machine, I may need to skip one and come back, but it's never to the point where I can't access what I need for my workout.
Oh, and it's clean. The members do a great job (most of the time) with spraying down the equipment after they use it (if you're obsessed with cleanliness, you can always spray it down before you start too - I see a few people do that).
Everything is really easy to use, most machines show an example right on the machine as to how to use it. You can also go during their 'office hours' which is a loose term for a 24/7 gym, but they have a guy that can help you if you're brand new or need tips - that's what he's there for!