If I could rate less than one star I definitely would.
I am absolutely disgusted with booster juice at Dundas and Dixie. I have been a loyal booster juice customer, and have written favourable reviews in the past however my experience at booster juice Dundas and Dixie has gone down in the book as my worst experience I can think of. The time of my horrible experience was roughly around 7:30 PM on January 30th. I don't know this location has really gone down the tubes over the course of the past year. Staff is not being trained well and they are clueless as to how to make something on the menu such as a fruit bowl which the place now promotes. I came in to the same location two weeks ago and the gentleman working behind the counter had absolutely no idea how to make a fruit bowl. However today the girl that was working there was extremely rude as soon as we walked in, and you can tell by her body gestures and sighing and eye contact. As always I came in with my daughter and we ordered two brownies to be heated up which takes one minute on the grill. Once she was completed she put the brownies next to the cash register which makes absolutely no sense considering there is the serving area where the customers pick up from. She then gives us two bowls that are nothing like on the menu in terms of toppings and ingredients. I am so disgusted with her attitude after I brought this to her attention. She was slamming things around in the kitchen as I walked out the door which I later called her on for being extremely rude. She had the nerve to say "good luck."
There is a serious issue with the hiring of staff at this location over the past year and the training of the staff. I have been such a loyal customer of this franchise, and I am honestly considering taking my business elsewhere. The last thing I need some snot nose kid who can't even come close to comprehending the thousands of dollars I've spent at this franchise over the course of the past five years.