First of all let me say how disappointed and completely unsatisfied I am with Skyway tire when I pulled in front of the shop three employees walked right past me without any greeting I stood by my car for a few minutes when an older gray haired man asked me what I needed I said to him hey how are you today? I need four new tires he glanced over at my car and said ok and walked off he didnt let me know a price or tell me how long or even let me know what tires to choose from. While I was waiting I walked in the shop to the vending machine and I heard one of the men say "Can you believe that f***ing n***** with the Taurus" I honestly cant believe its 2017 and people are still so ignorant. The actions and "words" of those employees lets me know alot about that business and it made me realize all of the employees where caucasian males I know why now. I will not give my money to a business that is ok with this behavior nor will I refer anyone I know. FYI anyone reading this looking for a good shop I recommend Jose Auto off Walkup Ave