This was my second time at Geisha both were for my birthday. Last year we had a great time and they really went above and beyond I would give that experience 4.5 stars! The server was great and we had so much fun. This year they were kind of snooty with us. We were all ordering food spending money and they come in the room and demand the money for the room rental. It was embarrassing. They had my credit card why in the world they did that was beyond me. We also got the "big" room this time and I was expecting more food as per advertised on the website. Nope. 2 little trays of food. I think we had 4 trays last time in the small room that's only $100 an hour. The large room isn't cheap even half off you have to book 2 hours so it's $150. I don't think I will be repeating again next year. Just not worth the hassle. Also their website has a bunch of false info about happy hour. Beware. Many of my friends were charged different prices for the same things.