This store is now the only store I purchase my tobacco needs from. They have a great selection of pipe tobacco...some of the stuff that I found in there, is very hard to come by in other stores.
The cigar selection is very very nice and always fresh. If you're struggling to make a choice just ask the owner and he will take his time and explain which the best ones are for your taste, not just the most expensive ones (They got all sorts of different price ranges). The humidor isn't a huge one but it's got a big variety of top brands.
I'm not a shisha smoker myself, but I've recommended the place to my friends that do smoke it and they're all regulars there now...they get all their flavor stuff or whatever it is from there.
I'm very big on good service, and when a place knows how to treat their customers I make sure to give them my business. The owner is always pleasant, greets you with a smile and any questions you ask he'll answer you like you're just having a conversation. I'll even ask him about other stuff that I'm not really into and he'll have a chat with me and explain what they do or where he gets it from. He's not pushy at all.
All and all a great place.