| - For those seeking a massage: this is a truly wonderful place. My usual masseuse is out of town, so I followed her recommendation of Lotus Palm. I wasn't sure which massage to choose, so without much investigation I selected the Signature - which is a fairly light, non-intrusive, clothes-free massage involving some flexibility and yoga stuff. Upon meeting my masseuse, Claude, I was told that this would not be a deep massage, which initially bummed me out a bit. I tend to prefer deep-tissue therapeutic massages, since the lighter ones often feel sort of superficial and weak.
But I was happily surprised by Claude: he is simply amazing. True to his words, I was totally relaxed by the end of the massage - it was simply perfect. Yes, it was 'smooth,' but I still felt much of my stress ebbing, and the stretching and oil were great for loosening my incredibly tense muscles.
For those who might be a bit squeamish: this is a full-body massage, clothing optional, and it's intimate. But I also found that to be fine, and I will certainly be back for another.