Normally I hate antiques shops b/c you have to sort through so much garbage to find anything. And sorting through all of that old stuff makes me think about how someone once bought it in a real store and then they died and their kids relegated it to the "sell" bin as they were cleaning out the attic. This makes me think about my own mortality and that makes me sad. But, sometimes there is super cool stuff to be found so I suck it up and go.
This place still made me think about life and death and filled me with existential angst, but at least it didn't smell bad and the ratio of cool stuff to crap was relatively high.
I understand why some Yelpers don't like the organization of it, but it's organized by vendor not theme so you will find milk glass in seventeen different parts of the store, but I think that's pretty normal for antiques centers so it didn't bother me.
If you are looking for mid-century furniture, you should definitely go here. I just bought a bunch of furniture from West Elm for my mid-century house and going here I instantly regretted my purchases. There is a vendor who has all sorts of super cool mid-century furniture (tables, chairs, dressers, etc.)