I had some time to kill, so why not right? You know when you walk into a store and you automatically feel that you're just going to have a horrible time? Yup, had that here. As I walked around, I noticed that more half of the shelves were empty. The actual shelves themselves had stains all over them from who knows what. There was merchandise on the ground and in places they didn't belong. There were open packages with the items missing inside. Then all of a sudden I hear the cashier arguing with a customer that she cannot use her EBT card on hair products. Omg what the h*ll is going on?! The cashier yells across the store for her manager to come help her. Instead of the manager coming to diffuse the situation, he just goes to another register to ring people up, leaving the poor cashier to deal with the irate ghetto customer and her EBT issue. I also hear another employee cursing as he is refilling the candy area because it is a complete disaster with boxes all over the floor. I did end up purchasing a Betty Crocker pizza slicer and a plastic measuring cup. Now I see why I stay away from places like this. No thanks!