I really want to like this place as the hair dresser was so nice and friendly - but the hair cut I got here was so far away from being chic that I got another haircut to fix the one I got here. I wanted a cute pixie haircut that was feminine yet a little unkempt, that would provide some volume and be easy to style. But the hair dresser pretty much just chopped it off a little over the shoulders, put a little gel in it, and sent me out with my hair wet so it would air dry. I thought it was bizarre to say the least, and when my hair was dry and this super cool hair cut had failed to appear I just felt ripped off. Granted, he only charged me $30 or which I tipped $10 so a total of $40 - but that really wasn't a bargain because it just looked drab and boring and was still sticking to my neck in the muggy Montreal summer heat.
Also when we were discussing hair cuts and salons in Montreal I said I had gone to Pure before and he totally dissed them and said they cut angled cuts like Victoria Beckham. Thing is, she has long hair. VB had those angled hair cuts years ago. Shouldn't a hip stylist keep up with trends just a little bit?? Besides, shouldn't he cut whatever the client wants him to cut? I didn't exactly want a VB haircut but is the only alternative cutting it off straight at the shoulders? Seriously I am perplexed - how can this salon be on the Best of Montreal list? They must have bribed people to get on it. :(