| - This complex is a joke. Every interaction with the office staff is made overly complicated by their ineptitude and most of the staff has a bad attitude. More than one package delivered? Don't worry, you'll have to go back the next day because they will not have given you all of the packages. If you tell them there is more than 1 package, the response is inevitably "no there's not. did you pick it up earlier this week?" Every single time i have I have received multiple packages, I have had to return. I literally watched staff walk away from another resident who was attempting to pick up a package and when he showed the staff member the delivery confirmation from the sender showing it was delivered and signed for by the employee to whom he was speaking, she just walked away to assist another resident.
Gated community? That's nice... When the gate works. Oh, and don't forget, guests can only be buzzed in through the main gate. When I asked what button to push when I receive a call that a guest has arrived, because 7 and 9 didn't work, the staff member said "I don't know... it's usually 9." And don't think about trying to park near your building unless you arrive home before 4pm.
Going to pick up your mail? No worries, your mailbox is on the opposite side of the community from your apartment. And then you have to make a 3 point turn to get back to the spot where you can buzz yourself through the gate. This place is all about the convenience, let me tell you.
Have a bug problem and request a spray? well, I was never contacted advising me to be home, I was never left a notice that spraying occurred, but it's listed as completed on my maintenance request form and the bugs remain. And you know, they want to keep their residents SO MUCH that they provide you with renewal costs of over $100/mo more. Sure gives "valued resident" a whole new meaning.
On the plus side, if you're not expecting to deal much with the office staff.... the apartments are a pretty good size, no issues with anything breaking, the maintenance staff are friendly and will usually greet you, the bathrooms with garden tubs are really spacious and there is a good amount of storage available.