I tried this salon for the first time (I've been looking for a place closer to where I moved to) and found it to be mediocre at best.
The nail polish selection was very limited and most of the bottles were almost empty or had separated (been sitting there a while). The manicurist did a good job with my pedicure and manicure but a few of my fingernails were crooked. I mentioned it to her and she filed it a bit but didn't really check if they were straight and continued on without giving me a chance to check it again. It's not a huge deal as they aren't that noticeably crooked but I would expect a bit more attention to detail as they charged $32 for my manicure. I don't think I will return to this salon as it is still a bit of a drive from my home and if I'm making the drive, I might as well go back to my old salon in ajax.