| - Today marked the first time I had been to this particular store (located within the dying Parkway Center Mall) in 13-15 years. It's been even longer since I have been to the one in Oakland. If their other stores still exist (and I know there were at least 2-3 others at one point), I haven't been to them.
I used to come here at least once a month to stock up on new comics and peruse their wide back issue selection. Their inventory is still strong, and they still pack quite a bit of merch (toys, games, apparel, books, original art to boot) into a relatively small storefront. It's been a clean, well-lit shop populated by down-to-earth, friendly, helpful, approachable staff.
"Man, this Batman's EVERYWHERE! 12 titles! Ya kiddin' me?"
"When was it never that way?" Remember Batman Family, then Batman and the Outsiders?" I always have to say something.
"Oh yeah, I do! That was back in the day, man! You know what's up. Now they have all these mini- series, and you heard that they brought the 80 Page Giant back, right?"
Hence the comics yappin' begins. That's what happens when fans encounter fans...
I walked out with some Walt Simonson-era X-Factor issues, Daredevil #219 (featuring a rare Frank Miller/John Buscema collaboration), double-sized Defenders #100 (DeMatteis and Sinnott!) and some issues of the new Avengers series among a bunch of other colorful pamphlets (I kid the funny books).
I do hope that if you're a comics fan, you won't forget about THIS Phantom of the Attic store. It's a little out of the way being that it's in Greentree and all, but at least you can get parked in their sizeable lot. I've heard that parking is galore at the Oakland locale. Beware or bus it.
I also hope this franchise finds a new spot if and when Parkway Center Mall flatlines. South Side might work.
Flame on guys. Woosh! Thwpit! Whirrrr! Ka-Smash!