I can only speak to massage, specifically the services of RMT Kelly Kirkham. Kelly is now on my team of professionals tasked with keeping my body "on the road."
Referred by a coworker who loved Kelly's deep massages, I gave it a whirl and will make this a regular appointment.
If you are looking for "butterfly kisses" style massages, I'm sure Kelly will accommodate but her strength lies in her strength and her technique. I'm an athlete and a bit older so I've got issues. Her one hour massages are enough to make you cry, but at the same time you want more.
I highly recommend Kelly. Call Medcan and ask specifically for her. Services are $100 per hour, so not inexpensive, but you get what you pay for. I'm not a regular RMT patient but I know its not uncommon to spend $80/hour. I've done this and been disappointed.