A particular CVS sloth cashier needs to work in the back or better yet be fired and it's one of the reasons I stopped shopping at CVS. I have never in my life met a human so callous, rude, impolite, detached, miserable and angry all in one person than this pathetic employee. It was so much effort for him to ring up my items. He couldn't smile, look at me or speak. He purposely mumbled my total so I couldn't understand him and then just pointed to the register's total. What a pathetic jerk. Obviously the guy doesn't want to be there. Why do companies hire these losers who just hurt the business. He couldn't even take the items out of my basket that I placed on the counter. I had to do that for him and then he couldn't take the basket off the counter, I had to reach over the basket to get my bag and receipt he placed on the counter instead of handing them to me. Quite pathetic. Not in his job description to be courteous, polite? This is who CVS hires? I'd fire his butt so fast but that's probably what he wants. I am so angry I stopped at this store. Never ever again!