Honestly I use to love Tea Shop 168 and I still do... the ones at any other location then this one. I decided to come here to get a bubble tea because I haven't had one in a long time and it was closer to Chatime. Went inside to order a simple Original Milk Bubble Tea with Tapioca, was told that there was no tapioca available and it would be a 30mins wait for it. I'm sorry but what type of bubble tea shop has no tapioca available at any time. Then he suggested to me to the Original Milk Tea with Herbal Jelly, fine I'll get that since I like herbal jelly. There was no one inside and it took him at least almost 10 mins just to make me one drink. When I got the drink, the jelly were big pieces not cut up nicely. I was so disappointed and this has made me not want to go back to this location ever again.