| - I recently decided I wanted to go natural. So I did some research online and found this salon. I had been eager to come see her and had been calling repeatedly for about 3 weeks prior trying to getting an appt. When she would answer the phone she did not seem eager or hungry to receive a new client. She never offered a date or time that she had an opening but rather would just inform me that she was booked and hang up! Once I finally got an appt with her (I had to call a week in advanced; scheduled for Saturday 8/15/09 at 1pm) I showed up early (about 15 min) to make sure I would be on time for my appt. When I arrive (she's located in Salon Central off Independence), I showed up to her still having 2 clients already in her salon! Now this is a tiny salon that can only hold up to 1-2 clients at a time! So, even though I was on time for my appt, I had to sit outside and wait in a chair she had sitting right outside her suite door. Now, mind you her salon door was closed, so its not like I could have just walked in! And I didn't want to be rude, given she already had 2 clients in there, who's hair was NOT done by the way, when I showed up! Make a long story short, I ended up waiting outside her salon for 45 min! She never came out to check on me, see if I was waiting on her, nothing! And, as a hair stylist, I would assume you know when a client is coming and how many you book for a day! She overbooked and didn't care whether or not she lost or gained a new customer! I ended up going to Angela, the stylist across from Lisa. Angela's salon is called Blessed Assurance and is directly across from Styles by Lisa. Angela was so much more professional, friendly, and definantle uses some great products!! Styles by Lisa was awful and a waste of time!! I didn't even get my hair done and I would not recommend her to anyone!!! If this is the best customer service she can give, she need to take that mess back to Cali, or wherever she is from!!!!
Pros: great if you want horrible customer service!
Cons: long waits, hard to schedule appt, unprofessional