Papworth is my home warranty's preferred HVAC service provider. I recently purchased a house and noted in the first few days of living here that the AC just wasn't blasting and the thermostat wasn't accurate at all. I submitted the request to my warranty and within 1 business day I received a nice call from Papworth to schedule a time to check out my unit.
Unfortunately their hours are business hours when I work, but I was able to arrange my mom to be present for my appointment. Since she lives in Chandler, she and I both requested a 30 minute heads up before the service tech's arrival, of which was obliged. My mom said the tech was professional and nice about my AC issues which could have been prevented before the sale closed for the house; there was a switch on the AC unit which needed turned on, and the thermostat was FUBAR. The tech fixed both, as I've enjoyed nice AC since the appointment. The unit is suspected to be the original from 1973 so more than likely Papworth will pay another visit out to my house again in the next year.