I signed up for a gym membership last month with day care for my 4 month old and 5 year old. one day my husband and I dropped my two girls off and we went to the gym to work out. I had forgot my water bottle at the day care so I told him I would go get it really quick. I go in and grab my water bottle and walk out.. I stop shortly after walking out thinking how I heard a baby crying really loud. So I go back in and my 4 month old is sitting on the floor against a block couch thing. Again my baby is only 4 months old and doesn't sit up. So she was crying at the top of her lungs! So I tell them to give me baby she's going to fall.. and I kid you not I believe it was five people where I was and no one ran after her they just kept staring at me. I told them again she's going to fall and what happens? She falls and hits her head (she even had a bruise after) and cries even harder so I'm yelling at them saying someone help the girl so she can hand me my daughter and everyone is just stuck on stupid. Point being I write a report on it and it's been two weeks I believe and my husband has tried calling corporate but he just keeps getting transferred to a women's voice mail. It's like they don't even care about what happened and they have cameras so I'm pretty sure it was all caught on video now I only take my girls to the daycare on the Maryland one.. the women there take care of the girls really great..