| - An ode to Groceria Merante:
Ohhhhh how I miss that red white and green awning! And if I was still living in da burgh I would no doubt be a regular once again. In college I lived about 4 doors away from this diamond in the rough in South Oakland.
Merante's nourished me for finals, snow days, my pre- 21st birthday meal, summer bbqs, graduation, lazy get the picture. Basically I existed off of the local produce, sliced deli meat, BOMB pumpkin ravioli, pasta, frozen sausage, and soup they sell here for the 2 glorious years I lived next door and I MISS IT!!!!
Without Merante's I would have frozen on my way back from Giant Eagle, or existed off of Stouffer's Mac n Cheese from CVS. One time I was so poor I couldn't even afford to buy a 40 from the O, they let me keep a running tab for a few days until my next pay check so I wouldn't go hungry, which goes to show you they don't make em like this place anymore.
You are making a mistake if you don't stop by if you're in the area and check out Merante's.