Run for the hills with this place!!! BUYER BEWARE Everything you don't want from a used car lot, this place does. READ THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They do not do sales contracts by design and they will not tell you, they do lease contracts with a buyout in the end that does not cost extra to you and you don't even know the contract was drawn up that way, but the contract does not cover you at in the event stuff goes sour.
They do this because they know they sell junk cars and because people have to pay to fix them and keep them running, they end up not meeting their contract and they take the car down payment and all.
Like others said, they put absolutely ZERO gas in the cars to where I was afraid of running out of gas and the only gas station was next door next to some thugs looking at my new car..... I'm talking running on fumes Yea that was fun. You would think they are legit with the new signs building and shiny cars in front but its none of that...
I paid half down and the other half will have been within 90 days. when I went to get it registered, the DMV said it was a salvage title! WTF!!!! so I drove right to them and demanded why they sold me a car they DID NOT TELL ME WAS A REBUILD TITLE CAR. They said it was in perfect condition and it looked and sounded the part.
Keep in mind it was only 2 years old and looked perfect. I bought a car fax as soon as I found out it was a salvage title.
The records said the battery caught fire but it was contained within the trunk and the entire electrical was changed out. Did some more research and turns out any fire damage to any main part of the electrical in the car is an automatic rebuild and must be disclosed on the title.
Ok that's fine and it was fixed and there was zero problems with he car but DUDE YOU CANT LIE AND BURY THE FACT IT WAS A REBUILD TITLE and not inform the customer unitl its !!!!
The gangster GM said he disclosed it on the work order they issued to fix the bottom of the bumper's paint and under carriage and went to get it.
Ok so I'm fuming at this point and he brought it up to me and it said SEE SIR the work order says "Rebuild-Bottom Bumper"
I said yea you guys have to rebuild the bottom bumper like I asked. He smiled and said no that says "rebuild then a - as in the titles a "rebuild." WTF!!!!!!! AM I DREAMING!!!!!
I told the dude that's not what you guys were referring to and you said noting about a rebuild title. WFT!!!
He said by law we only need to state "rebuild" on any of the documents we give you.. Yea that's how fu@##D these guys are.
Needless to say I told him i don't want the flipping car and to give me my money back because they lied and I DO NOT WANT A REBUILT TITLE CAR.
He said nope absolutely not and take us to court if you don't like it. I told him your dropping the price of the car by 2000.00 or I will have contact 13, channel 8, news 5, Glen Learner your mom, and who the else that will show how piss poor of a business you are and ill pay it off right now.
Needless to say he said ok and I paid it off and I got rid of the car for what I put into it.
Pont is these car lots prey on the uninformed and desperate and when I called their bluff they ran. Please do yourself a favor and do not do business with this scum lot.