Freedom Park is by far Charlotte's loveliest park and should be a source of shame for lesser parks around town. I'm looking at you, Marshall Park! The pond, stone bridge and fountain in the middle are glorious. The landscaping and flower beds are usually well kept and benches are plentiful and in good condition. In the warmer months you have the added benefit of having great clouds of enticing smoke wafting over the park from the people cooking out at the various picnic areas. Perhaps not a good thing for those repulsed by the smell of grilling meat, but whatever.
If you go there to do some walking or jogging, I recommend doing some laps around the pond for a while before switching it up by going to the more shaded trail that goes along the other side of the creek.
There are facilities for basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis and volleyball. Since I don't really do sports, I can't comment on how good the fields/courts are.
My only real complaints would be that the water fountain at the southern end of the pond never works and the pond can get pretty nasty with pond scum and litter in some spots.