As a person that works with customer I will never understand how someone in the front desk can treat a client so poorly. On Saturday I left a fecal sample for my puppy and they told me the results will be ready in 24 hours. Tuesday (72 hours after) I called them and asked if the results were ready. They told me yes and that I had to pick up the medicine for my puppy. I went today to pick up the medicine and the girl in the front desk barely wanted to talk to us. I asked politely if she could look into my puppy's file because I was told I had to pick up her medicine. She couldn't find anything on the puppy so she asked if we wanted her to call the lab. I said "Yes please" and she responded with a huge sigh in disgust and upset that she had to do work. Not only that she was extremely rude to her co-worker that was just asking her a simple question. If I'm not mistaken she said her name was Ashley.
I will not be returning to this office. If someone can act like that in my face, who knows what they can to my puppy when they take her back.