Go somewhere else Strictly doesn't stand behind their work!! Had my 2006 F250 6.0 overhauled, and within 18-months and 24,000 miles the head gasket showed signs of leaking. Took truck to Bullet Proof Diesel and they confirmed Strictly used Black Onyx head gasket which are know to have failure issues. Strictly refused to help and wanted to charge me another $7000 to rebuild the motor again. They weren't even willing to give a repeat customer a break, and help me out with the costs at all. Took truck to Pro Diesel (they previously used Black Onyx gasket and were aware of the problem and warranty everyone of their trucks that came back even after a year) and they overhauled the motor for almost half the price Strictly wanted. The guys at Pro Diesel know their stuff and have excellent customer service, something Strictly has clearly lost sight of!!!