I received a flyer on my front door for this Brother's Italian Bistro menu. So craving some pizza I decided to order something from them. Now I usually check Yelp before ordering or going to any establishment, but it had slipped my mind until I had placed the order over the phone. After I hung up and was waiting for my order to arrive I remembered to check. Oh man, when I saw the 3 star average rating my heart dropped. I thought about calling back and canceling my order. But after reading through all the reviews most said the food was good just that the service was bad sometimes, so let it slide hoping everything would turn out well in the end. And I was right! I'm happy with everything I ordered, the 30 inch pizza half of it was Supreme and the other half was the Brother's Special, it was delicious (everyone who ate the pizza said so) and the service was great. I very much recommend Brother's Italian Bistro delivery from the West Craig location. Side note: it's New York style pizza