I just wanted to reach out let you all know my experience with American Home Guardian - Home Warrenty. AWEFUL! Do don't use them. Here's my story: My microwave broke and it cost $60 for them to come out and say it's a circuit board failure. AHG says it's 10yrs old, so it's not worth fixing, so here's $100 ( net = $40 ) I bought a new one at Best Buys for $169 and installed it myself. Dishwasher isssue and same thing, $60 service call. It's 10yrs old, so it's worth $120. I fixed it with two new corner door seals and some epoxy glue. $20 total cost to fix it ( net $60 ). Now the furnance heat comes on and off and it's cold here in Las Vegas at night. $60 service call and they say it's a circuit board. Next day after repair, same issue. New relay that next day ( no additional cost ). 13 days later same issue again, but I was gone 10 days during that time period, so i don't know if it ever relly worked again. They come out on a free followup call and it's another part this time ( 3 times now in 2 weeks ) gas valve issue now. AHG calls and wants another $60 service call fee. AHG just keeps nickle and diming me over and over and thier customer service is aweful. This is how its is in the contract section 2.6 and if you don't like it, to bad is their attitude. That's what you always here from them. I wished I would have went with the same company that has our rental. Anytime anything goes wrong they fix or replace, no questions asked. I just wanted you all to know my first hand experience with American Home Guardian. Don't purchase their contract, shop for another company.