| - They got all kinds of goodies here, atv's, coonskin hats, guns, kayaks, carhartt apparel for the whole family, my first crossbow (girl's edition), make your own sausage kits, wading boots, guns, target practice, bullets, camping gear, guns, giants safes for all your guns, and more guns.
I was wearing my apre-ski boots, the real furry ones that look like chewbacca and was getting a bit nervous that some hunter would decide to take them out while I was walking around in the store.
We like that camping goods and there was a decent selection of nifty camping gear such as sleeping bags for when the temperature is 30 below.
P.s. Stopping at Gander Mountain inspires me to shriek "gander mountain, gander mountain" for 30 minute intervals in the car, all the way back home to Chicago. Much to my companion's irritation.