OK service but where I have issues is when you call them and ask them for a cash price and they quote you a price and you go in and have the procedure done and it is time to pay ,you expect the receptionist to know how to correctly bill you for the procedure right ? So i pay the bill and a moth later I receive a bill in the mail for $ 281.49 and I am thinking what this is for , being i paid in full when i left the office .So it is not my fault your receptionist made a mistake. Also this happened in 2015 when i had dental insurance and they ended up sending me a bill quoting they made a mistake . Well I find it annoying . So I hope they resolve the issue because I am not paying the bill because they made a mistake and it is always the patient that gets stuck with the mistake. You go to a store and buy a product and you go to the cashier and pay for it and get a receipt , the transaction is complete .Doctors , dentist are notorious for telling you Oh it is covered and then you get a bill a year late or a month later in my case .