You know, having never been to a Cirque du Soleil performance before, I was really skeptical about dishing out close to two hunnerd clams to see a bunch of Canadians prancing about in tights. There was bound to be mincing. And someone mentioned clowns. Oh boy. But, on the recommendation of a whole lot of people, I bought us some tickets to take a gander.
Holy crap -- this was an amazing performance. From the startling open reveal to the equally stunning closing bit, I enjoyed every minute.
Even the clowns.
It's quite impressive to see the physical acts that the human body is capable of. Trapezes, high dives, contortionists, guys on fire -- it's all there somewhere.
We sat kind of near the back and still had a good view of the stage -- I don't think there's a bad seat in the house -- but it would be REALLY cool to be up close in the middle of the front sections. So buy your tickets as early as possible.