I write this review as someone who could literally have pizza every day and not get sick of it. I have traveled hither and yon seeking out the perfect vehicle for cheese and mighty toppings. This place is definitely one I'll return to.
You don't get many choices in this place. I think they only had four or five options. But it's cheap. A slice is $4 or $5, depending on what you get. You might be thinking you need like three slices to be full. Not so, friend! I am a tank, and one slice was sufficient for me. One slice takes up two paper plates.
The pizza itself is thin and foldable. You don't get Chicago style here, which is good because I hate that kind anyway. They've also got some beers on tap, and a decent selection of soft drinks.
What knocks my rating down? The pizza was a tad greasy. I'm sure you could blot it off if you're so inclined. But I mostly disliked the atmosphere. I get that it's a no-frills place. I really do. But all of the tables were dirty with crumbs everywhere, and the booth seats were ripped to smithereens. It's kinda gross to sit down and just see inner booth contents protruding everywhere, along with someone else's Parmesan cheese remnants.
Still, solid food, and conveniently located next to Heist so you can get more beer when you're done. Or another snack. Not that I did that.