How I could live in Pittsburgh this long and not ride the inclines is beyond me. Fortunately we made time to do it this weekend after dinner in Station Square. Little did I know we would need exact change to catch a ride to the top and back. (Who carries exact change?) We set to work searching my wallet and my wife's purse to make sure we had the $7 on us, while simultaneously turning down other passengers asking if we could break a $20. Looks like this is a common problem and probably warrants implementing a new system.
We came up with the cash between us and stepped into line for the next ride up. The doors opened and, disappointingly, nobody got off from our compartment. A whole group of kids decided to just keep on riding. We opted to catch the NEXT next ride up and fortunately we caught an almost empty car.
It's worth it to sit on the bottom side of the car to catch a view as you're riding but you can't beat the view of the city from the top. It makes for a great photo op and is a great place to watch the sunset.