My family moved here a little over a year ago. My son was in TKD back home and I saw great improvement in his behavior and overall well being. I searched for TKD again here because he started to slip back into old behavior patterns. The first day that we went to check out Lee's, I was impressed by the staff in regards to knowledge and ability to motivate (and could see the excitement in my son's eyes). My son immediately started acting a bit better, knowing the ways of respect that TKD demands. They really do try to instill respect into the children. The only no-so-great thing that I will say about this particular studio is that the class sizes are way too big (no matter which one you go to). This makes it hard for each child to really get the instruction that they need to perfect their moves and to have the adequate space to do so. Watching my son, he always feels cramped and scared to fully extend his limbs like he is supposed to because he will run into, or punch/kick another child. I'm thinking about trying another location to see if the class sizes are any better. They have multiple locations around Phoenix.