I wanted a Japanese style sleeve with coy fish. Anthony made multiple passes over the same areas and turned my arm into hamburger meat. The price definitely matched the end result. During the tattoo I noticed that Anthony repeatedly touched the volume button on his Apple speaker that was not covered with fresh plastic. I researched health codes and found that is a blatant example of CROSS CONTAMINATION. He gave me vague after care instructions and sold me a lame after care kit.
3 hours after my tattoo it was still bleeding in several spots and my whole arm was swollen. Day 2- there was extensive scabbing and pain.
Day 5- I was diagnosed with a severe skin infection and I had to get on antibiotics.
Day 6- I stopped by to let Anthony see the healing and infection and he seemed uninterested.
It took approx 6 weeks for the tattoo to heal. The infection took large chunks of color and line work out and it looked like a 20 year old tattoo.
I visited Absolute Tattoo in the university Area and they politely informed me just how bad the tattoo was. One coy looked like a catfish and the other one looked like a bass! Anthony left no negative space around the waves and made a horrible wrist cuff that was an attempt at fish scales.
It took 8 hours for Absolute Tattoo to totally redo Anthony's attempt at a tattoo. The final result was awesome and I consider myself lucky to have found a REAL TATTOO SHOP WITH REAL ARTISTS!
I hate to knock Anthony so hard but he clearly signed up for a tattoo that should have been split into 2 ten hour sessions instead of a 6 hour massacre! Add the cross contamination issues that led to my infection and I would NOT recommend his services.