It seems like every single time I walk down Yonge St I stumble across some new restaurant or place to grab treats and it's my absolute favourite thing in the world. While walking on Saturday afternoon I stumbled across T-Swirl Crêpe and it lit my face up like a fat guy walking by a crêpe place (which is the exact thing that happened, weird). Upon entering I was excited to see a menu like this. It's basically like eating fun ice cream sundaes out of a crêpe, and who wouldn't enjoy that? I settled on one that had vanilla ice cream, chocolate fudge, whip cream, and brownie pieces on top of it and it was absolutely delicious. The actual crêpe itself was soft and warm and the other ingredients were yummy as well. I highly reccommend this place to anyone who is alive, breathing, or possibly even not breathing? It doesn't matter, do yourself a favour and swing by this place!