| - Ducked into this place to escape the rain, hoping something on offer would improve my day. I get back to the office and bite into the muffin I bought. Without sounding hyperbolic (its a muffin after all) this is the worst muffin, nay, pastry I've ever tasted. I couldn't taste the muffin, for there was no muffin to taste.
What I could could taste was cinnamon and flour. That was it. Flour and cinnamon are ingredients and should never be the centerpiece of anything. 4$ for a mealy, dry, muffin-shaped mound of cinnamon and flour held together by lies and wax paper. For the record, it was a carrot muffin. Carrots were harmed in the making of this muffin.
I want my money back, and my tongue would like an official apology. You know, not to sound hyperbolic. Seriously though, I'm pissed. I have 87$ in my bank account and those 4$ were meant to buy a shred of hope for an otherwise miserable day. You owe me hope, "Sliced". Hope, and 4$.