After pointing out there comics are mis priced, same comic 4 different prices, was told it's baised on the condition and what he bought it for. Makes sense. So when I was going threw the box of there Scott Campbell's I asked how much some of the comics were that had no price one of which was one that they were selling on the floor for $140. I've blond hair guy who has all was been super helpful acted like I was dumb and said there's one right there that were selling so it would be the same price.. I was a bit annoyed that they just told me one thing and acted like I was dumb for asking based off what they just told me. One guy would quote me a price and the other guy would run to the floor and say we're selling it for more.
I bought about $140 worth of Scott Campbell covers and the comics were in great shape. The place is great for older comics that your searching for. They have a good place just out of the 5 times I've been there I felt like I wouldn't be welcomed back. I felt they thought I wad trying to get one passed them and not pay a fair price for comics. I would have told them they were selling an item for more on the floor but was give information that had me not saying anything when I was getting the books priced. I might just do eBay from now on.