Dr. Thomas came highly recommended. My husband was just about a year out of total knee replacement, and was not healing. He truly needed help. Dr. Thomas on the first visit knew he could not help him, but advised my husband to stop his exercising and if that don't help, come back inn 30days, and the wonderful DR. THOMAS would do orthoscopic surgery on him to see what the trouble is. After all, this is HIS SPECIALY. 30 precious work days later, my husband went back after a 2 hour office WAIT, he came in said "I cannot help you, you need to go to a knee replacement doctor!" HELLO why didn't you tell us this 30days AGO??? How sad that you did not CARE ENOUGH about your patient to let us know that then. TO ad more insult to injury, your billing of that last visit was all messed up, and to reach your billing department was difficult due to a voice mail that said "I am on maternity leave"! THE WHOLE BILLING DEPARTMENT IS ON MATERNITY LEAVE??? MOVE ON TO A DIFFERENT DOCTOR!!!.. P.S.. Dr. Cravetti is AMAZING!!!!! Check him out...