Going to the cell phone store is usually a true test of one's patience. Long wait times, less than knowledgeable staffs and high priced equipment. For the longest time the Verizon store at Rainbow and Charleston fit this description to a tee, but lately it seems that they have worked to change that business model.
One of the things that have changed at this location is that upon entering the store you are immediately approached by an employee who asks what you are there for. This allows them to route you to the appropriate person to help you. This little change in the way business is done seems to have expedited the process.
All in all you are still going to the cell phone store which is only fun if you are getting a new device. Outside of that, it's like getting a root canal. Thankfully Verizon Wireless has attempted to make experience less painful than it had previously been. BTW, I've had service from several carriers and Verizon has given me the best service I've ever had. Less dropped calls and coverage in places like my cabin in the mountains of Utah.