| - I have never had such a negative experience with a food chain until I got in touch with Jimmy & Joe's Pizzeria, and from the looks of it I'm not the only one. I, along with many others, attempted to order pizza and were met with a highly unprofessional and quite rude representative on the phone who was dismissive and hung up on us when asking only simple questions. We attempted to contact again and were again shut down. From there we went to contact the company directly and were met with someone who actually tried to help! This was a nice change and, almost, changed my opinion on this establishment, that was until today. The representative, who will remain unnamed, gave us her personal line to take a credit to have a more positive experience. However this wasn't done to remedy our past experience and was only done with the intent of removing our negative reviews. This was discovered when we attempted to use the credit and were met with immediate push back. The contact was out of town and stated that the credit could be used tomorrow. As we were hungry, we simply asked if the credit could be applied today. Nothing aggressive was sent. No foul language was used. Just a simple, why not today, we were hoping to use it today. Nothing out of the question in my eyes, maybe I'm crazy. That's when this representative responded in probably one of the most unprofessional ways I have ever seen. She called us a bully, said we "needed a lot of prayer" and then stated we will remove the credit. Mind you, the credit was given so we could have a positive experience and be able to put positive review. All this for some pizza. I honestly am pretty shocked that a company as a whole could be so unprofessional. Especially when this was supposed to fix a previous experience. I would recommend even getting gas station pizza over this place just on service alone.