Went to my kids doctor after just leaving my regular pediatric anthem hills pediatrics as a first time dad i was worried about my son. Walked in the receptionist was very friendly i told her i was a walk in she told me some one had just cancelled. I filled out my paperwork and was called in with in minutes. The nurse was very nice to my son. The Nurse Practitioner cory herbert was very nice to my son and myself before she started to do her testing she made my son feel comfortable . she showed him her stethoscope with a duck light on it. not once did he fell like crying or show any signs of being scared. She was able to explain to me that he had croup something that our other pediatric couldn't tell me. all i got was its something viral I will be leaving anthem hills pediatrics and switching over. I am so glad i stopped by and saw cory herbert because of her and her knowledge i am able to make my son feel better.