I shop at this store several times a year. Customer service is hit and miss. Sometimes you can't find a single person to help you, sometimes everyone is super nice. Today was almost a 5 star visit. Until I got to the line to check out. There were employees all over the store but only 1 cash register open. After standing in line for 9 minutes I asked the cashier if there were any other employees that could come up and ring. The cashier had an attitude, which made me get an attitude, and then she just wouldn't stop!! She kept repeating herself that she called for backup like I asked so what more do I want, and that it's not her fault yet she wouldn't tell me who was in charge so that I could complain to them. A manager did eventually come up and told me that everyone was on break. Umm why is EVERYONE on break?? The line should not be that long!! And an employee should not have an attitude if someone is upset about that! I did not purchase the $100 worth of items I had and that sucks because I really wanted them.