| - Meh... We stumbled upon this place on our way back from Rock Hill to Charlotte. We were hungry and hung over and said, "what the heck". Oddly, the first thing that I noticed, aside from the cliche feel of everyone Mexican-themed restaurant in the USA decorations, was that NONE of the waitstaff was Hispanic. HAHA! I don't think I'd ever seen that before.
Our waiter greeted us nearly as soon as we walked through the door. He was very polite and professional if not nearly uncomfortably nervous. But I think that was just his soft-spoken way.
The place was nearly empty but then again it was noon on a Sunday so most folk in the area were prolly at church or something. Our waiter sat us and even made some suggestions and clarifications about the menu which is always welcomed.
First off the chips; they were NOT bad by any stretch of the imagination. But they looked like they came out of a bag instead of made in their kitchen. Albeit, they were nicely hot but they were all the same exact shape and thickness and they just looked overall unnaturally processed. they were pretty standard and tasted like Santitas (the commercially available bag you can get at any grocery store). The salsa, although bland, was surprisingly spicy. I mean, it gave my tongue a nice sear all around. Becky noticed it too. Not much in the way of flavor though.
The biggest black mark here, which is pretty negligible in the grand scheme of things, is that they brought our plates one at a time. Becky ordered some meat with chile sauce which came first. They put the plate in front of her and I had to wait a few minutes before mine arrived. I ordered an entree with two burritos.
None of the food was anything to write home about. Just another Mexican-themed restaurant in the seemingly interminable sea of sameness.
All in all, I had a decent meal at a forgettable establishment that we'll probably not go out of way to revisit... unless we're driving back from Rock Hill to Charlotte really hung over again.