| - While checking out yesterday 06/14/18 a second employee came over after hearing me ask the cashier why a pair of sandals did not ring up on sale. I explained that I found the sandals in the clearance section, that there was a row of them, and that there was a sign that said,
"30% off Ticketed items are as marked. Non-ticketed item prices will ring at register."
The actual cashier was a female named Mariah, the second person who came over was a male (I did not get his name as I was extremely taken back by the experience.) He had a reddish orange faux hawk style, glasses and a beard.
He told me that the sandals were full price, I explained that they were in the clearance section, to which he responded that they were full price again. So I went back over to the clearance section, and took a picture of the clearance section to show there were multiple pairs of the sandals and what the sign said. I showed her the picture and tried to show him the picture. He responded this time by saying, "I'll do it for you this once but next time if it's not tagged its not on sale."
I explained very calmly that he should change the sing so that it does not mislead people, to which he replied,
"Would you like me to take off the discount?! If you don't want the discount I can just take it off."
Still trying to remain calm, I explained that it has to do with it being in the clearance section with a sign that states something which he is contradicting. I then asked for a manager. The next person I spoke to seemed to understand that it could be seen as misleading. I paid, told Mariah thank you for her help and patients, shook the second gentleman's hand who I was led to believe was a manager, although his name tag did not say manager, and left. I did try to call customer service on my way out of the store but the corporate office was already closed as it was 7:57 AZ time.
I felt very humiliated by the way that your male employee spoke to me, I was at no point rude, nor did I raise my voice. I had my ten year old son with me who witnessed this incident and on our way out he told me he was sorry that the guy spoke to me like that. I plan on taking another trip to the store to verify the employees name and will follow up with it once I have it.