| - Highest 4 I can give. Why not 5 you ask?? CHOMPIES!! But around the North Valley...Z's!! My Wife (Very PICKY wife), loved the house special as much as I did. The service was also excellent. I'm surprised that this place would open around here...but I'm glad it did. I know where to go to get a great, unique sammich now. Others have talked about the House Special, but I'll add a few words. FRESH, tasty, toasty, tasty, awesomeness!! Crispy bread on the outside, chewy and moist on the inside. Yet, thin, and packed with fresh veggies, smoked pork slices, and cheese! (Swiss for us). He'll make it anyway you want it, but we stuck to the original sammich. You could take out the meat and still be happy. I was most impressed with the use of red bell pepper slices because I know how much red pepper cost's.