This is absolutely the worst apartment complex I have ever lived in!! For starters the apartment building was built in the late 60's cool I like old buildings and the design of that time, but that doesn't mean that everything had to still be from that time inside. Everything is from the 60's and 70's down to the carpets that is missing in most closets. The "updated" tile that they where so proud to tell us about turned out to be Vinyl rolled out to look like tiles....the kitchen flooring is totally coming up from the faulty dishwasher also. Everything just looks dirty and dingy. Not only is everything inside the apartment out of date, but then the hallways haven't seen the light of anything new for a while, correction most hallways the main lobbies have just been freshened with a new coat of trim paint.....went from dingy blue to some type of aqua green stuff that looks like the 80's meet the 70's and decided Miami needed to be invited in....the worst thing of all have been the thefts from Amador every package that we have had to have delivered, I have had to replace almost every order we have ordered here due to the lovely neighbors helping themselves to packages left in door ways.... basically don't move here the only positive is the price but like they say you get what you pay for....