A bunch of liars. They'll promise you loan protection then when you try to discuss it with them, they'll say they no longer offer it, without explanation as to when or why it was removed. They'll lure you in saying that your interest rate will go down and that you'll receive a 2% rebate after two years as long as you've never missed a payment and as long as your account is in good standing, then when you discuss it with them, they'll say it's no longer offered, again without explanation as to when or why it they no longer offer it. They also won't tell you about their policy changes and when you ask for further information regarding their policies, they simply ignore you or avoid the question. Best part is, they still advertise on their own website about the rebate program.
They say they're all about the clients, making clients' lives easier and better and that they're "Service Obsessed"...it's a bunch of bull, they're only after their money and could care less about their clients or keeping their word on their own policies.