Protect your home/ Defender came out to connect our existing hardwire system to their central monitoring. Price advertised was $27.99. They tried to up sell $4200 worth of equipment. We were not interested we wanted the 'national special offer'. They removed my existing panel and in the process it caught fire. After mounting their panel and transformer, the realized I had a VOIP phone line and could NOT continue. Now I have NO working system and they said I needed to call the 800# to complain. No I'm sorry, no we'll fix, nothing. Just call the 800#. I did that and they said they can't do anything. I need to find someone to fix it and send them to bill to see if they will pay for it. (again, not they will pay, but they will review). And the wanted 2-3 estimates. All of this I had to do and schedule, with on guarantee they'd pay for it. It is the worst customer service I've ever had. DO NOT USE THEM....