A NIGHTMARE of an experience! Seated after 40 minutes..placed order with very nice waitress. 45 minutes later 3 of 4 orders came, 2 out of 4 shish kabobs (chicken) came burned to a crisp! Small scrunched up, dried out ( as though they had been cooked, not served and then recooked,and unable to be eaten. The other 2 were burned, but not as badly as the other 2. The third order contained chicken that was raw in the centre. We politely spoke to the waitress who agreed and took the order to show the owner, she agreed the 2 burned orders should be replaced, but made excuses about the raw order. The waitress told us the meat orders would be replaced and eventually were....another 1/2 hour later. By that time the 4th person we were with had finished their meal! After requesting to seethe owner (Nicole) ourselves, it took her 10 minutes to arrive at our table.she provided us with Breakfast Buffet coupons...buy 1 get 1 free. Would you go back???? NOT ME!!!
Took 15 percent off the bill and the replacement skewers which she was going to charge us for! BEWARE .....see you at the competition!
P.s when we asked to see her again, to express disapproval with the bill Amir ( I think that was his name), the manager...lied to us. He contradicted himself 3 times about why she wouldn't come back out.