I first heard about The Little Garden Schoolhouse in May 2016 when they had their seasonal community seed exchange event. At the time my spirited preschool daughter was attending a local STEM school, and while it was a good school - I didn't feel that she was supported and she wasn't thriving to her full potential... Enter Jennifer Valverde
When I met Jennifer (Owner & visionary of LGS) it was immediately discernable the amount of care, passion, ENTHUSIASM and knowledge she was bringing to the table in the locally wide world of preschools. I made the decision to enroll both my 2 year old and my then 5 year old daughters into LGS - I can happily say I never looked back.
Enrolling at LGS was a real game changer for our family, both of my girls felt supported, a home away from home. They grew and fostered relationships with the other students, Ms. Jennifer and staff. They developed an appreciation for recycling & composting, their love for yoga deepened as it is a different experience for them to partake in yoga with their peers rather than at home with their Mom.
At this age a child's real work is learning to be in this big world and learning that there are others as well to work & play well with, a lesson I think some adults tend to forget.
I love the snack system at LGS -and I am always peeking in to garner new ideas myself. The children -even the toddlers join at the community table and help each other with their chairs and passing utensils and plates around. As far as "meat" not offered as an option during snack -I myself have never witnessed meat offered as a snack to students at other preschools -and I would be concerned if it were "how is the meat handled" and such. As far as vitamin nutrition is concerned -this begins at home -as a parent it our own responsibility to ensure our children receiving the most out of their diets and supplements that we provide. All else is gravy.
Amongst the veritably gorgeous food forest I see a plethora of butterflies and wild parakeets swooping around amongst the pine and sunflowers.