I took my girlfriend shooting today....against my better judgement.
We stopped going to Caswell's about 2 years ago because the range is EXTREMELY HOT!!
They have a swamp cooler instead of air conditioning and when the humidity is high the swamp cooler is useless. It's been like this for the nearly 6 years I've been here.
They clearly don't care about your comfort or your safety.
My girlfriend called last week and they told us it had been repaired and is no longer hot.
I was inside for fewer than 10 minutes and sweat began running down my face and into my eyes.
I was hot, uncomfortable, and had sweat in my eyes....which is a fairly high safety hazard.
When I exited the range the girl at the counter commented about how quickly I came out. I told her it's just too hot inside and I had sweat running down my face and into my eyes.
My girlfriend came out around 10 minutes later because she too was over heated.
The counter girl rung us up and charged us both full price for the entire hour.
So, moral of the story....no pro-rated lane time for over heating and getting sweat in your eyes.
just keep on blasting and who cares who/what you hit.
Osha should check this out as it is an extreme safety hazard.
I will not go back.