The two old women who manage this place are horrible. Judy actually will yell at tenants if you can possibly picture that . Julie, the other manager is fully aware of what Judy does and it's ok with her. Rather than be decent people they just back up each other's rotten behavior. Also, never ask Judy anything - if she doesn't know she will just make something up. And she never knows "Jack". Yes it's a crazy place. Julie is a horrible person- she will take a dislike to you for no reason whatsoever and after that will let your life be hell by not taking any action for you. I had to call police for help with neighbors because Julie has her head up her ass and was totally lame about taking any action to help. If you have a problem with a neighbor they will make fun of you if you get stressed out from it. Does NOT CARE what you are put through if you happen to get a rotten neighbor. They are not professional. That office is run like a soap opera and they refer to tenants in derogatory, profane terms.